53 P Samhitha

General medicine blog 4 
7 March 2023
Name- Ajay 
Sex -male
Occupation -student
Adress- koyalagudeum

Hi ,I am P.Samhitha 3rd year BDS student .
This is an online elog book to discuss our patient data after taking her concent this also reflects my patient centred online learning portfolio 

Chief complaint- A known diagnosis of jaundice from 10 days 

History of present illness- Patient went to a local doctor as he had multiple episodes of vomiting with yellowish colour along with food particles before 12 days and got diagnosed of jaundice 10days back.
Yellowish discoloration of the eye.
Patient has pain radiating from front to back in right hypochondrium region.

History of past illness 
Taken poison 8 yrs back due to family issues and cured.
No surgeries.

Personal history-
He is single 
Non vegetarian
Alcoholic takes 180ml 2 to 3 times a day started from 4 years back due to peer pressure 
No appetite
No proper sleep
Smoking from 3yrs 
Bowel and micturition normal
No allergies

Family history- no significant family history 

General examination -
No pallor
No cyanosis
No lymphadenopathy
No clubbing of fingers
Oedema on right hand palm

 Provisional diagnosis- liver inflammation 
Alcohol withdrawal

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